Look closely, and you’ll find a wide range of applications of borates in automobiles. In fact, auto makers find uses for borates in nearly every part and system. Borates benefit the automotive industry by providing borosilicate glass, flame retardancy, corrosion resistance, and friction resistance.
Over the last 125 years, borates have played a big part in helping people get their laundry cleaner.
In a year when uncertainty is the rule, U.S. Borax has provided a reliable source of borates to insulation manufacturers, helping to ensure more predictable comfort and energy efficiency for homeowners.
Always essential, always multifunctional, borates add strength, resilience, and improved performance to the filters that improve engine efficiency and extend engine life.
Summer is a time to head outside and enjoy the sunshine. Borates will be there to help you enjoy the great outdoors.
Think 20 Mule Team Borax™ detergent booster is just for clothes? Think again.
Borates’ have improved the formulation of starch-based adhesives for centuries—and are still doing so today.